Monday, May 24, 2010

Rand Paul and Glenn Beck

Seriously I'm sick of hearing these two names, especially the latter.  Thankfully, the only time I really hear anything Glenn Beck says is when John Stewart of Stephen Colbert mention it because really, that's about all I can take. So here is my rant on the two, starting with Mr. Glenn Beck.

The reasons why Glenn Beck is nothing more than an ignorant moron are really vast but can be easily narrowed down.  I really don't think this man has a working knowledge of any sort history or even understands the fundamental workings of certain ideals.  Let's take, for example, how everything leads to Nazism in his mind.  I'm not over-exaggerating here either....everything literally turns into Nazism in his warped little world, even health care.  Mind you, he and his fellow GOP bootlickers cry communism at every turn that sometimes I don't know what they think.  President Obama is a Nazi implementing communist ideals?  Glenn Beck, do you know ANYTHING at all about Nazism, fascism, or communism?  I guess he missed class the day they talked about how communists were thrown into the concentration camps in Nazi Germany and killed off.  I think he also missed the slight similarities between Hitler and George W. Bush (We’re talking about the Patriot Act which for all sakes and purposes was really a dictator-like move and the fact that Bush, like Hitler, believed he was doing what God wanted of him.).  Communists were seen as a threat in Germany at this time. 

Do you even know where your fear of communism comes from?  It comes from the McCarthy era.  America was so terrified of the idea of equality amongst all classes that it pointed to Soviet Russia-the most extreme example they knew of-and said “Look at how bad that place is, do you want to end up like that?”  Of course, the majority of the American people replied back with a “Hell no!” and blindly followed the course of American politics over the next 60-ish years which would put down societal advances in a vast amount of countries claiming that there were “protecting” us from communism.  Even in America the results of this free-trade and disgusting capitalistic ideal can be seen in the glaring disparities between the rich and poor.  The trickle-down theory of capitalism doesn’t work.  Socialism does work.  But that’s for a different post.

Peace Corps, according to Glenn Beck is nothing more than the equivalent to Hitler’s Schutzstaffel [SS].  The SS mind you was a paramilitary organization that exemplified all the racial purity beliefs Hitler held onto, on top of being the secret police force that went through and ruthlessly murdered innocent people.  The Peace Corps on the other hand is an organization designed to help people through educational awareness and workshops.  Peace Corps members are all volunteers who work abroad to promote international development.  They’re not the same.  Not even close Glenn Beck.

You know, for as much as he yells Nazism at different measures being initiated, do you think he’ll actually ever admit that he is closer to Nazi ideal than President Obama?  I mean, take for example the fact that the majority of people that support him are Neo-Nazis and he in turn supports paramilitaries such as the Oath Keepers that support an overthrow of the legitimate government.  Just food for thought…

And you Mister Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul…you’re just as annoying.  There is no way that President Obama is “being too tough” on BP.  His criticism against BP is not un-American…if anything he is exercising his Constitutional rights. And he isn’t criticizing businesses.  He is criticizing multinational corporations [MNC] and they are not the same.  Normal businesses don’t overtake countries’ economies.  MNCs do. I guess like Glenn Beck, Rand Paul is unaware of the simplest facts.  The mistake by BP and their “little white lies” about the amount of oil being spilled is taking away from the local economy.  Businesses down there are suffering.  But I guess it is just un-American to point that out because we’re a nation that supports MNCs and will do whatever we can to keep them there.  

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rainbows and Butterflies

Two of my favourite things...rainbows and butterflies.  I saw three rainbows over this past week and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.  Rainbows are a good sign so is it maybe a sign from God that He is happy with where I am going?  Is it His way of telling me that things are getting better?  Only He knows...

In other news, I think I might be doing an Independent Study of Geography class with Kerry over summer quarter.  He wants me to apply for the Annual Geographers Meeting which is going to be in Seattle in April and present a paper.  Since there is 10,000 people who show up to this and lots of events, I'll probably only be presenting to 50 people max, but that's still exciting and I can't wait to get started on that. I just have to figure out what exactly I want to write about.  Probably something that deals with globalization and/or the Middle East.

David and I are also thinking of planning some kind of fundraiser and awareness event about the snow leopard.  I really love snow leopards.  Like a week ago, a hunter in the Wakhan Mountains of Afghanistan caught one and tried to sell it.  Before he could,  Mustapha Zaher (Who is the director general of the NEPA in Kabul and grandson of Zaher Shah) found out and contacted the US Ambassador, some German troops located nearby and President Karzai.  After being confiscated from the hunter, veterinarians worked on fixing the poor leopard's leg and they waited for a storm to pass.  Unfortunately, when a clear day finally came the leopard had died. =[

We're talking about a creature that is close to extinction.  They're such beautiful and majestic creatures...I think it's important for people to listen to their cry of help too.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sometimes I forget how absolutely terrible I can be at posting on a blog, and then I create one and remember.  Ah well, I shall stick to this one!

I hope. >_<



Monday, May 3, 2010

When bored and tired, bitch about it. Right?

I am very slowly falling asleep at work...not a good thing.  I think I might get in trouble if I fall asleep...just maybe though. (>_>)  So what do I decide to do?  Start rambling on here of course!

I think it's my schoolwork's fault.  Earlier I had to read a study on a study (Why I couldn't just read the original study and summarize that is beyound me.) and now I'm trying to finish Chomsky's 9/11.  Really, it's all just sending me into Lala Land.  Hopefully though, I can finish Chomsky's 9/11 later today and then get the two chapters from Andrew Bacevich's The Limits of Power read and Tuesday can see me firing off my summaries and then I can sit back and chillax the rest of the week.

Oh wouldn't that be wonderful?

Then I have to write off a note on religion for my friend David because he is apparently "intrigued" by my views on religion, so that will take some time to actually sit down and organize so it makes sense.  I mean, I'm not sure if you've noticed but my mind isn't a very clean, organized place.  Nope, not at all.

But no really...don't people have to like go to work soon?  Bah.  I hate people!  And I hate Top 40's Stations.

And I hate Anne Boleyn.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just A Small Town Girl

Actually, I'm not entirely sure what I technically "am". I mean, I lived in small towns in North Carolina and Nebraska, but in Pennsylvania I lived on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. Even here in Washington, the "small town" I live in is influenced heavily by nearby Seattle. I love the city with all its commotion and noise. I love the small town with its laid back attitudes and easy pace.

But, as the next line of the song goes, I definitely feel as if I'm living in a lonely world. Not lonely enough that I would completely consider if akin to solitary confinement though. Sometimes people come through. Sometimes they even stay awhile. And then something in their life calls them away...

So I just really want me to be the something in someone's life that calls to them. Gah, how utterly sappy of me. I should stop reading shoujo manga...

In other news...I am incredibly happy and content. I got the boy and that's all I could want right now. Sure we've had a few misunderstands and minor things we had to deal with but for the first time I have a boyfriend who can act like an adult. And I don't have to explain to him where Haiti is. Life, is good =3